Nobody enjoys his work more than Bill Pewitt. It shows.
For over three decades, Bill has been a fixture at the Texas Capitol, representing an array of clients in the technology and health & human services area, in addition to other entities including charitable bingo and traffic law.
Bill has formed groups from the ground up, including the Texas Computer Industry Council that was a feature Texas Monthly story in Austin’s technology heyday in the early 80s. Often first to cite a trend, Bill is able to steer clients away from dead ends toward a direction where he foresees a lucrative future.
Bill’s insight and firsthand experience allow him to do what many others cannot. From state agencies’ regulations to procurement contracts, Bill knows the ins and outs of the Capitol.
He has earned his reputation among lawmakers as a wise counsel, but his strength is also evident in his relationships with legislative staff, whom he considers the lifeblood of the Texas Capitol. Bill realizes that these are the folks who do the nitty gritty day-to-day administration of the business of the Capitol. Although Bill handles the affairs of most of his clients on his own, giving them personal attention and care, he is keenly aware of when to bring in other resources and his peers when appropriate. Customizing his services to the needs of his clients is the key to success. Bill is consistently listed as one of the state’s top lobbyists by Capitol Inside.